Designated Survivor 60 Days Characters We Suspected But Were Actually Not Guilty

Designated Survivor 60 Days is one heck of a rollercoaster ride of conspiracy, betrayal, misjudgment, loyalty, and alliance in the guise of a K-drama. It was a wild ride over, under, in, and out of its thick, suspenseful plot. For 16 episodes we tried to uncover the truth, overthought situations, overanalyzed each person’s actions, and basically suspected each of the characters at every turn of event. 

And overly suspected every one, we did.

Here are the characters who we have put in the hot seat and falsely accused of being involved in the bombing—which to be honest was only because of our overthinking *peace sign.

Cha Young Jin

Falsely accused of being the VIP and the Blue House mole 

To be fair, Cha Young Jin really did come off as this douche-y, arrogant guy who looked like he got bad things hiding under his sleeves—the type of guy who ruins politics for you and just makes you distrust the system. Not to mention those devilish smirks of his that he kept throwing time and again and the way you could feel in your guts that he wasn’t much of a big fan of the acting president, hence, their many clashes and arguments. But all of these, we found out over time, were just because of his ardent passion for politics, and once we reached the point in the drama when we were a hundred percent sure he indeed had crossed over to the acting president’s side, we have come to realize that he was above all suspicions. He has proven that yes he was a jerk, but he was the good kind of jerk, and a likeable one at that.

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Yoon Chan Kyung

Falsely accused of being the VIP

First off, she was the leader of the opposition, and she boycotted the meeting. She had the reason. She made a dubious move. Naturally she’d be suspected of masterminding the bombing to dethrone the ruling party. However, more often than not, in a carefully plotted game like this the obvious opponent who is actually innocent is the one being framed as intended by the real mastermind to get away with the crime—like in the early parts of the drama wherein clues to the bombing seemed to have pointed to South Korea’s archrival, the North. Good thing that she was able to clear her name and even allied with the acting president against the real perpetrators.

Kim Jun Oh

Falsely accused of being an accomplice to the bombing 

When Agent Han Na Gyeong realized that her fiancé was in the National Assembly meeting, suspicions regarding his character arise, why was he there when he wasn’t supposed to. But that was only until he finally showed up and turned out to be the one who found out about the plan for the bombing. From the second he found out about the planned crime up to his great sacrifice, he proved that he was an honorable man who risked his life for his country. 

Jung Soo Jung

Falsely accused of being the Blue House mole

Given the nature of the confidential information that were leaked to the bombers, it could only mean that the Blue House mole was a close aide of the acting president. Aside from the original Blue House secretarial staff, Park Mu Jin’s secretary from when he was still a minister, Jung Soo Jung, also joined his entourage. What could be a better shocker than the mole turning out to be the acting president’s trusted confidant, right? It would have been a great shock indeed, but good thing that her loyalty was the real deal because that level of betrayal would have destroyed our already weakened hearts.

Park Mu Jin

Falsely accused of being the VIP

Only one way to explain this—this is the overthinking part I was talking about, a figment of an imagination going wild. Because maybe he did, right? Maybe he was the the-end-justifies-the-means kind of guy. It could happen. But Acting President Park Mu Jin was an honorable and good man through and through, and an honorable and good man he was until the end of his term. 

And then the guilty ones…

Oh Yeong Seok

Falsely accused of being the VIP but an accomplice to the bombing 

Aka the miracle survivor. In a very soul-shattering event, it is normal to latch on any hope you can find, and latch on we did when the rescuers pulled out Assemblyman Oh Yeong Seok beneath the rubbles of what once was the National Assembly building. A former navy lieutenant commander who has laid his life on the line to protect his country, Oh Yeong Seok wasn’t just hope personified, he was also seen as a hero. But that did not last long, thanks to Agent Han Na Gyeong who was quick to uncover his connection to the bombing. Was once a vital key, however his tragic end was proof that he was just a dispensable piece in the game that the VIP had plotted. 

Also Read: Oh Yeong Seok and other K-drama bad guys who messed up our moral compass with their wicked charm

Han Joo Seung


Well he wasn’t totally above any suspicion because there were times that he seemed kind of strange and acted shady. However, somehow these suspicions seemed to be justified, and there were also the occasions when he was able to redeem himself of any doubts that you’d actually willingly cross his name off the suspect list. Well except for one thing that kept him tethered to it. The revelation would have come as a greater shock if Mr. Kim the Tailor hadn’t mentioned—quite a few times at that as if he thought we didn’t catch it the first time—that the old school way of how they ran the organization was because their leader was an old-timer; and then add to that the fact that there was a mole at the Blue House that’s why towards the near end the real identity of the VIP started to clear up. 

*How did you fare in the Who’s Who game in Designated Survivor 60 Days? Share them below as we patiently wait for Park Mu Jin to take his rightful seat at the Blue House in Season 2 *fingers crossed

ALSO READ: Vagabond and Other Previous Dramas of Bae Suzy

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