10 Song Kang Off-duty Looks That Are Wallpaper-worthy
His out-of-this-world visual and undeniable talent in acting made Song Kang the perfect choice for many of the successful K-dramas released in the recent years. One look and we all knew for a fact that he was born to woo us K-drama fans. What with his dreamy stare as he looks into the eyes of his female leads, we sure also fall for it every single time.
However, it is not only actor Song Kang who has won millions of hearts—and counting—because even when not in actor mode, he can still make our heartbeats race fast.
Here are some of Song Kang’s glorious off-duty looks that he pulled off perfectly on Instagram.
1. The ever-present mirror selca

2. When he looks as excited as an adorable pup on a ride

3. When he is as breathtaking as the view

4. When he is flexing his achievement from religiously going to the gym

5. When it is not only the cherry blossom tree that blossoms but your heart as well

6. When he’s shy with all the attention, but everyone knows that he deserves it

7. When it isn’t just the place’s beauty that leaves you in awe but him as well

8. When you ask for a stolen pic and he pretends that he doesn’t know

9. When you take the legit stolen pic

10. The pic that is DP-worthy

*What’s your favorite Song Kang pic? Share them in the comments section below.
She loves music that she needs background songs 24/7. She watches TV like a dutiful binge-watcher. And she writes mostly about the music she listens to and the shows and films that she watches.