SB19’s Bazinga hits 2M views on YouTube
A month was not even needed for SB19 to unlock another milestone.
The band’s recent music video, Bazinga, reached more than 2 million views on YouTube just three weeks after its release on October 29. Topping at #11 on YouTube’s Trending Music, Bazinga is dedicated to all the doubters and bashers of the group when they were just starting in the industry. SB19 is a boy pop group from the Philippines composed of Pablo, Stell, Ken, Josh, and Justin.
In their lyrics of “Bazinga! Hate niyo’y gasolina, yeah, I’m fire, I linger”, (Bazinga! Your hate are our gasoline, yeah, I’m fire, I linger) they indicated that all the hate that has been thrown to them are their motivation to move forward and to be better as artists. The hate is their fuel for success.

In their music video, the group brought in an arcade theme to the audience. If we look closely at the set-up and production of the MV, you will see references from different anime series.
Namely, from their costumes, there’s a similarity with Avatar’s fire nation:
To the different effects on their music videos:
SB19’s Ken Suson who looks like Tokyo Ghoul’s Ken Kaneki:
SB19’s Josh Cullen Santos holding that card and portraying Hunter X Hunter’s Hisoka Morow:
And if you listen closely to the song, during SB19’s Pablo rap part, you’ll hear the part “Not a mob, just a psycho, I’m a keep it low, Guess you know that I am the one I dare you to double O” – which will probably be referring to the Mob Psycho 100 anime.
There’s also an effect in SB19’s Pablo rap part that is closely like Ippo Makunouchi of anime Hajime no Ippo. Look at that punch!
With Bazinga’s production, effects, and of course the lyrics, music, and choreography, we’ll not be surprised when it reaches 3 millions views anytime soon.
Currently, SB19’s Bazinga is also part of Billboard’s Top Hits powered by Twitter.
In case you haven’t watched it yet, now is the time to stream Bazinga.
She’s a little girl from a little town called dreamland. You’ll find her lost track of time. Kdramas and Idols are her escape from this human existence.