Which IU Is Your Ultimate Bias?
We love listening to her songs, but we equally easily fall in love with every character she portrays. We live with every music that IU created; we embrace every cry and laughter that IU delivered in her dramas.
Whether you started to be a Uaena when she proved her voice prowess as a cute student or just newly discovered her by seeing her as a badass hotel owner, there’s no doubt that IU has left the bias mark in your fangirling/fanboying journey.
And if you want to know which IU you actually stan the hardest, try answering these questions.
Question 1 of 8.
Which instrument would you like to try?
1. Piano
2. Flute
3. Guitar
Question 2 of 8.
Which *peace sign* selfie?
Question 3 of 8.
Which hairstyle?
Question 4 of 8.
Which drink you can never say no?
1. Beer
2. Coffee
3. Wine
Question 5 of 8.
Which is the perfect gift for your best friend?
1. Letter will never get old.
2. Bag.
3. Friendship ring.
4. Food can never disappoint.
5. A pair of shoes.
Question 6 of 8.
How would you like to spend a one-day holiday?
1. Hang out with a friend.
2. Holiday? I prefer to work.
3. Shop like there’s no tomorrow.
4. Stay home, cook, and eat.
5. Go for a drive without any destination.
Question 7 of 8.
Which is the perfect gift for your family?
1. Cash.
2. A vacation.
3. Buffet and Staycation in a hotel.
Question 8 of 8.