Which Doctor Slump Character Are You?

After over a decade, Park Hyung Sik and Park Shin Hye are reunited in a K-drama! Still with glimpses of them wearing school uniforms, they are now taking the roles of Doctors as they both heal in various ways through their new series, Doctor Slump. A romantic comedy at its finest with touches of healing, we are definitely in a good ride of classic-style 16-episode drama.

In a journey from falling at your lowest point to trying to find yourself back again, Doctor Slump has introduced as not only to the stories of Jeong Woo and Ha Neul but as well as to the few people around them who've stayed wherever they are. Mix of fun and misunderstood characters, who do you think you can relate the most among the doctors in Doctor Slump? Take this quiz to find out!

Question 1 of 6.

Which one describes you best?

1. Charming
2. Sweet
3. Goal Oriented
4. Giving
Question 2 of 6.

Pick your top medical K-Drama!

Ghost Doctor
Hospital Playlist
Dr. Romantic
Question 3 of 6.

What's your ideal partner?

1. Someone I can fully trust
2. Someone who I can be 100% of myself
3. Someone who can easily make me laugh
4. Someone who can always support my passion
Question 4 of 6.

What would be your greatest achievement?

1. Making more people happy
2. Having a work-life balance
3. Making my family proud
Question 5 of 6.

What is the common misinterpretation of people about you?

1. Aloof
2. Full of myself
3. Irresponsible
4. Selfish
Question 6 of 6.

Which hobby do you enjoy the most?

1. Biking
2. Reading
3. Cooking
4. Art making

Next question 1 of 6

All 6 questions completed!

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Which Doctor Slump Character Are You?

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