Which Miss Night and Day Character Are You?

One, a woman pushing thirty who’s yet to land her first job—and on the side, magically switches ages—and the other, a hardworking prosecutor who’s so absorbed in his work that it defines his entire life.

In the universe of Miss Night and Day, who do you identify with more? Are you Lee Min Ji (Jung Eun Ji)? Or are you more Gye Ji Woong (Choi Jin Hyuk)? Take this quiz to find out.

Question 1 of 5.

Which of these is your strongest trait?

1. Determined / Optimistic / Warmhearted
2. Smart / Upright / Steadfast
Question 2 of 5.

Which of these do people complain about you?

1. You are too reserved.
2. You are too gullible.
Question 3 of 5.

How do you face life's challenges?

1. Be resilient and wait for the storm to pass.
2. Face it head on because life's a puzzle that can be solved.
Question 4 of 5.

What do you do to de-stress?

1. Read books / Go for a drive or hike
2. Clean room / Eat out with friends
Question 5 of 5.

Which of these is your love language?

1. Anticipating and getting rid of obstacles that could inconvenience or harm your SO
2. Making sure your SO also gets to enjoy the delicious food you just had

Next question 1 of 5

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Which Miss Night and Day Character Are You?

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