Which Lovely Runner Character Are You?
Love at first sight? School romance drama? Idol x Fan love story? Fantasy romcom? We have it all. Lovely Runner has given us almost everything we need in a K-series, overflowing with the perfect cast who've immersed themselves in their respective roles. Ryu Seon Jae, Im Sol, and Kim Tae Sung have been running in different timelines, making decisions that made us wonder if what we're actually supposed to choose if we were them? Do you see yourself agreeing more to one of them? If you are to live in the Lovely Runner world, which character will you be? Find out in this quiz!
Question 1 of 6.
How do you rate your love to pop music?
1. 5-6
2. 7-8
3. Perfect 10!
Question 2 of 6.
Will you go to a concert alone?
1. YES!
2. NO!
3. Maybe ...
Question 3 of 6.
If there is one season that reflects your kind of love, what would it be?
1. Fall
2. Spring
3. Summer
4. Winter
Question 4 of 6.
It's fun to live ...
1. in the future
2. in the present
3. in the past
Question 5 of 6.
That kind of job you'll definitely take.
1. Somethig in the creative industry.
2. Something exciting and thrilling like solving crimes.
Question 6 of 6.
Will you run to another timeline just to escape your present problems?
1. No, I am embracing all the beauty and flaws of the present.
2. Yes, I am ready to run anytime!
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