Which Good Partner Lawyer Are You?

Jang Nara is back with her badass character, slaying black elegant outfits. Nam Jihyun is back as a lawyer who seems ready to fight against any form of injustices.  Two powerful women united in a legal drama—Good Partner. Two unique individuals with different perspectives of justice. Can they find balance while working with their cases? Can they fill in each other's weaknesses? One works efficiently with so much experience in her hands. One tackles problems idealistically yet can be a smart ass that you can't easily drag in a pit. 

Among these two equally talented lawyers, who do you think you can see yourself the closest? Which of their characters you'll probably agreeing the most? Find out in this quiz!

Question 1 of 7.

Who do you like to be your male lead?

Question 2 of 7.

Pick your fit.

Question 3 of 7.

If you are to witness a crime, what will you do first?

1. Call the police.
2. Get in yourself in the situation to save the victim.
Question 4 of 7.

Which one speaks more of yourself?

1. Strict with following rules, idealistic.
2. Independent, planner
Question 5 of 7.

Your choice of bag.

Question 6 of 7.

You are more like of a ...

1. leader
2. follower
Question 7 of 7.

What do people think about you?

1. You are as cold as winter.
2. You are as bright as the summer.

Next question 1 of 7

All 7 questions completed!

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Which Good Partner Lawyer Are You?

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